About Us

Bringing Healthcare to the "Forgotten Billions"
Mine and cultivate existing medical archives using computational techniques seeking patterns that can help doctors with disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Team with technology firms and Health care organizations to access medical data to provide timely, doctor assisted solutions utilizing technologies such as portable devices, cloud computing, and deep learning. To create and predict Early Warning Systems for preventing fatal diseases and ailments.
Deep Learning Pipeline
Our Technology

Instant diagnosis in less than 10 seconds.
Artelus's portable fundus camera, combined with its advanced AI technology, offers a revolutionary approach to diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy. With its automatic 3D tracking, focusing, and image capture capabilities, the device simplifies the process to a mere two-click operation. The integrated AI, boasting a high sensitivity of 96%, swiftly analyzes the captured images and segments pathology, grading the level of diabetic eye disease within seconds.


Dr. Mark Holterman
Founder, CEO of The Mariam Life & MariamTek

Ms. Jayne Shaw
Healthcare and Business Leader/Owner